Thank You!

We would like to thank all of you who made it out in the pouring rain to see us at Arlene's last night. We had a great time partying with all of you. Thanks once again to Karwreck for getting us on the bill, and Damnsels for KICKING ASS and bringing loads of people. Big…

The Music Industry GOT SERVED!

Have you ever wondered why the radio sucks? How horrible "artists" not only make it to the airwaves but get played every hour on the hour on every station in the country? pay•o•la: n. Bribery of an influential person in exchange for the promotion of a product or service, such that of disc jockeys for the promotion of records.

Categorized as News

Trick or Treat

Once in a blue moon, a fan will write us and say "I hope you guys can play out here sometime soon." Well, so do we. But chances are that's not going to happen for a while. So if you're one of the people that stumbled onto our website somehow and actually hung around long…