Thank You!

We would like to thank all of you who made it out in the pouring rain to see us at Arlene’s last night. We had a great time partying with all of you. Thanks once again to Karwreck for getting us on the bill, and Damnsels for KICKING ASS and bringing loads of people. Big…

Live @ Arlene’s Nov 4th

Celebrate, or drown your election sorrows next Thursday at Arlene’s Grocery! It’s going to be a Grand Old Party with our friends, Karwreck and Damnsels. Bring a friend! The first 10 people to purchase our CD get a free, bootleg copy of our last show at Arlene’s. EXCITING, ISN’T IT? When: Thursday, November 4th @…

Trick or Treat

Once in a blue moon, a fan will write us and say “I hope you guys can play out here sometime soon.” Well, so do we. But chances are that’s not going to happen for a while. So if you’re one of the people that stumbled onto our website somehow and actually hung around long…